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Potted plants

Dollar tree Zamiokulkas photoDollar tree Zamiokulkas photo
Dollar tree Zamiokulkas

1404 грн

Anthurium 50 cm photoAnthurium 50 cm photo
Anthurium 50 cm

1404 грн

Anthurium 30 cm photoAnthurium 30 cm photo
Anthurium 30 cm

1229 грн

Phalaenopsis Orchid 2 trunks photoPhalaenopsis Orchid 2 trunks photo
Phalaenopsis Orchid 2 trunks

1346 грн

Phalaenopsis Orchid 1 trunk photoPhalaenopsis Orchid 1 trunk photo
Phalaenopsis Orchid 1 trunk

1229 грн

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Flowers in flowerpots

Those who wish to make a nice friend or just to please yourself, you can recommend buying flowers in pots, which will necessarily become a wonderful decoration of the windowsill in the house or office. In order to buy a favorite plant, it is not necessary to visit specialized shops, it is enough just to study the catalog of the online store BuketLand and choose the most suitable option, which the courier promptly delivers to the house. In our store everyone can find an interesting sample for himself at an attractive price.

What kind of pot flowers do we offer?

In the catalog of our company you can find the following kinds of plants:

-cactuses and succulents;




- archids or phalaenopsis;


The most inexpensive flower we can buy for only 70 hryvnia, in addition to buying it all the necessary accessories, soil and fertilizers for better growth.

What should I consider when choosing a flower in a pot?

Before you buy a houseplant in Kiev, you should clearly realize that he needs special care and constant attention that just as in the case when an animal is taken to the house, it is a very big responsibility to refuse it simply for already will not work.

Depending on the type of plant that the buyer finds most suitable for his home or office, the type of care will differ, as some flowers prefer to grow in the sun, while others do not tolerate its rays and fully live exclusively in the shade. The same goes for irrigation, which is required for certain plants. In addition, you can always get advice from an employee of our online store, who knows everything you need about those plants that sell.

The main rules for the care of flowers in flowerpots

In order for the maintenance of plants to bring exceptional joy to its owners, it is necessary to pay attention to certain rules that are mandatory for implementation.

Any indoor plant should not be flooded with water too much, since the root system should be fed not only by moistening, but also by oxygen. If there is too much water, the plant may soon die. An exception in this case are only orchids.

It is important to constantly maintain a certain level of humidity in the room, especially in winter, when centralized heating starts and air becomes much drier.

It should also be taken into account that after a certain time the flowers grow and lose their original neat appearance, so they need to be transplanted into larger containers, those who do it in a timely manner fill up the number of flowers in pots in Kiev, including ones for public viewing on balconies and loggias.

It is important to monitor the needs of each flower, as some of the plants require a different approach depending on the season.

For full-fledged care it is important to acquire special equipment, for example, a watering can, a string for tying up, a sprayer and a set of pots must be mandatory.

Which flower in the pot to choose?

In summer, plants serve a person, helping to humidify the air in the room and lowering its temperature, which greatly facilitates breathing. The predominant green color of most indoor flowers contributes to a favorable effect on the person's psychoemotional state, so if there are many colors in the office or room, the mood of the collective and the household will always be upbeat.

However, some potted plants are sold in Kiev, such as the well-known spiny cactus, on the contrary, absorb oxygen, but at the same time they are unpretentious in their care. Before you buy a cactus, you should consult with specialists or study the relevant literature.

If the buyer simply wants to have a flower in the pot, but does not know which one to choose, it will be useful for him to learn that the phytoncides and essential oils, such as citrus fruits, are considered to be the most valuable, thanks to their ability to destroy harmful microorganisms. In any case, no matter what plant will eventually be purchased in our online store, it will please its owner for a long time.

After studying the catalog of the question "Where to buy flowers in flowerpots in Kiev?" Presented on our website, there will be no more. We offer the widest range, democratic prices and only fresh plants, while our service remains at the highest level. Every day and around the clock, we offer our customers a delivery in Kiev, and therefore even those who wish to make a purchase at night can contact us and our staff will gladly help you choose the best option.